Jogging again !!

After months of not Jogging I seem to be catching the bug again.

Have been out 3 times since Saturday and it certainly makes me feel good.

Only doing a 2 mile circuit from home and its taking me about 23 min’s so not very fast, but I am not doing it for the speed. I do it because its the best form of relaxation I know.

I think the reason I stopped going was that my boys started coming with me and it stopped being relaxing, also I tried to keep up with them which was an impossible task, so I pushed myself too hard and started getting some little aches and pains.

So now I keep sneaking out the house with out them. 🙂

As I am only 6 lb from my target weight at slimming world I am sure this will help me on my way too, BUT I did eat 2 hot cross buns today which wasn’t good, but they were delicious

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2 thoughts on “Jogging again !!

  1. sally


    Easter sunday is April 8th, I have never made hot cross buns !!
    Don’t know where i get my energy from, sure if i sat still long enough i would just fall asleep 🙂

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