The Queen and Permissive paths

 As a very keen walker and member of the Ramblers association

 I would like to know why the Queen does not make a permissive path alongside or on the coastal defences on her Sandringham estate that runs along the Norfolk coast.

 At the moment it is impossible to walk (legally) the last bit of coast from Snettisham to Kings Lynn, without having to walk along the A149 , which may be one of the most scenic roads but it also has a very high accident rate too.

 “Roads in Norfolk that fell under the ‘one star’ listing – with a high accident rate – were the A149 (King’s Lynn) and the A12 (Lowestoft-Great Yarmouth).”

It is hard to see how this would affect her privacy or that of her pheasants. Perhaps the RA should start a campaign to open up the last bit of Norfolk coast to Ramblers.

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10 thoughts on “The Queen and Permissive paths

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Nice day for a walk

  2. Pingback: Sally In Norfolk » Sandringham Estate Have There Say

  3. sally

    Made very interesting reading , would love to think that one day I could walk the last bit of coast from snettisham to kings lynn …. But i wont hold my breath…..

  4. Geoff

    Some good news here,,2012460,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=11 although it is hard to believe it will ever come to anything.

    Natural England, the government’s statutory adviser on the environment, has spent two years considering the best way to improve access to cliffs, beaches, dunes and shorelines.

    Shorelines should be designated as part of a coastal corridor open to all, the government will be advised today

  5. Jim

    Found this through Ellee’s blog, and I see that she has written exactly the same comment as I was going to!

    Beautiful place, Norfolk, I know the north coast well from birdwatching.


  6. Ellee

    Why don’t you write to the Sandringham estate and ask them, they may surprise you and say yes, but at least you will have an explanation.

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