What a difference a day makes..

Yesterday we had 70mph winds bringing havoc to the area, with many fallen trees and power cables.

HGV drivers were pulling over on the A47 and the A10 as the winds got too strong and threatened to push them over.

Near Swaffham, a galvanized pig pen on a field broke loose and flew across the A47 and the end of a house fell down in Lynn, just missing a mum and her child.

Took me twice aslong to get home from work, because the A10 was blocked,so I turned round and decided to come home via Narborough only to find that road blocked too , by a fallen tree ,but I didn’t have to wait too long before that was cleared.

No powers cuts for me but they say at least 16,ooo  homes had no power.

Only damage to me seems to have been a smashed garden fence and the lack of a TV picture.

Then today I woke up to a gorgeous day, blue sky and sunshine……..

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5 thoughts on “What a difference a day makes..

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  2. Geoff

    Apparently a whole train was blown of the rails up the rails from here in Zurich. Les Gets escaped the winds – they just had the rain..

  3. Ellee

    A bus was blown off the road in Stretham where I live and ended up in the ditch. Usually, our electricity supply gets cut off during storms because we have overhead cables, but we were ok yesterday, which is a miracle.

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