Eat watch

If like me you have to watch what you eat all the time ,and find you put on weight real easy then this could be the programme for you.

 Having just lost a stone in weight by going to  slimming world I am determined to keep it off and loose another half a stone at least

 Eat watch should ,I hope, make it alittle easier for me its very interesting weighing yourself everyday and noting the difference , seeing if a pattern immerges.

 Once I’ve been on my holidays I will get back into my exercise and will see what a difference this will make.

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4 thoughts on “Eat watch

  1. sally

    Went back to my eatwatch programme today after my holiday,glad to see i had only gained 0.4 of a kg.But will see what slimming world say next week…..

  2. sally

    Hi Ellee,
    you will soon start geting rid of those pounds, especially with our week-end of walking coming up soon. Yes i will give you a ring over the week-end sometime tell you all about Les Gets…. and how fab it was .

  3. Ellee

    Sally, Please don’t tempt me with your muffins. I have put on 1stone 5lbs since the summer and have rejoined WW. I am not a happy bunny.
    I look forward to hearing about your trip to Les Gets, maybe you can give me a ring, I am around at the weekend.

  4. Ellee

    Hey, well done, I need to lose a stone too, though I shall go back to WW. Have a great holiday with Geoff, I am really thrilled for you.

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