GEAR 10k

IMG_8341I love bank holidays especially now I fill them with fun events with friends.This May day weekend was no exception.

My friend Gina came over to stay for a few days and the fun started with the GEAR 10k 

This year was the 10th Anniversary and the 4th year I would be running it, along with many other Lynnsport Ladybirds and Ryston Runners in fact it was a total sell out with over 1500 runners. Even the predicted bad weather could not stop the excitement building!

By the time we had walked into town the predicted wet weather had arrived, I have never seen so many umbrellas at a running event, the atmosphere was amazing though and not even the pouring rain was going to spoil the day.11188230_920641781312019_4608564301251447602_n

Finally it was time to gather in the starting pens, so off with the jackets and away with the umbrellas amongst much talk about how mad we all must be! then horror as 10.45 came and went with no starting gun, the roads were now becoming quite flooded and we were all eager to be on our way then 10 mins later looking like drowned rats we were off…..

IMG_8440A nice flat course meant many of my friends, including Gina  were hoping for P/B times, as usual I just wanted to get round in under an hour and even though I achieved this with a time of 58.08 I was alittle disappointed  as I felt I could have done better. My big mistake was running in my glasses because after 10 mins in the pouring rain I could hardly see a thing and had to carry my glasses the whole way round 🙁

Even in such bad weather conditions Gina and many of the Ladybirds got the P/B times they wanted and none of this would have been possible without the fantastic marshals who braved the weather too and of course Geoff who was there to cheer us on and take photo’s 🙂

Needless to say the sun came out at the end and we were rewarded well for braving the weather with a totally fab medal and another fun day spent with friends 🙂

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