Trowse 10k Road race

I entered this run because I wanted something fun to do over the Easter break. My friends Gina and Jayne also entered it so I knew it would be a fab day out

1-IMG_8285Then I panicked because it had a HILL in it and I usually avoid these when running but I was determined so I started doing some training runs at Sandringham where there is a hill.

It was an early start for us on race day because we had to travel from Cambridge to Norwich for a 9am start. I was feeling nervous about the hill everyone was talking about but my nerves soon turned to excitement once we met up with Gina, Jayne and all their lovely friendly running friends.

Much to my amazement I really enjoyed this run ,the route was scenic and varied, starting along Whitlingham broads then the long drawn out hill not once but twice and a lovely down hill stretch too.

My finishing time was 58.58,as usual I was very pleased with myself especially because of the hill which I found a challenge but secretly enjoyed.The goodie bag was excellent and included a cream egg and a fabulous medal.

The day was not over for us though as Gina Jayne Geoff and I then went out for a lovely lunch with lots of chat and laughter, a great recipe for the Best Easter ever 🙂

When I arrived home still full of enthusiasm and excitement I signed up for the Mike Groves 10 miler in June!!!

which I am sure will be another fab day 🙂

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