Hoping for a Miracle

This week should have been a really exciting week for me instead its turned into a nightmare 🙁

My big goal for this year was to run my first half marathon the Perkins Great Eastern Run

IMG_1696Earlier in the year I had doubts that I could run that far but encouraged along by my friends I started my training and found to my delight that not only could I do the distance but I actually enjoyed it too.

Then 2 weeks ago disaster struck and my Achilles started hurting, which I made  worse by running at parkrun on my birthday.

Drastic action was needed so I booked myself in for a sports massage with Carolyn Western who worked wonders on my legs and took most of the pain away.

I have had total rest this week not even walking to work,and I have been heating icing stretching and massaging and hoping that I will be able to run on Sunday

One thing I know for sure ……. there will be tears, either of joy pain or disappointment !!!!

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3 thoughts on “Hoping for a Miracle

  1. Gina

    I am so sorry about your Achilles. It really is horrible bad luck. But you must try, if you can, to think on the positive side – you have got a place at the Cambridge half which will give your loads of time to recover and in the meantime you have your cycling and your holidays to look forward to.

    1. sally

      yes I will get over this disappointment 🙂 thank god I have my bike 🙂 and a lovely holiday to look forward to . Did not register for the cambridge half…… always peterborough next year !!!

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