Circuit of Puig De Balitx

Today’s walk was the number 48 grade A+ walk taken from the Paddy Dillion book “walking in Mallorca”
 It was described as easy at first followed by rough descents and ascents,involving some scrambling and route finding,it also promised a long and interesting walk with panoramic views of the coast.
 The walk started well but eventually due to rock falls and fallen trees the tracks became hard to follow,the scenery was rugged and wild just the kind we like with huge rock faces that meant a lot of scrambling round, up and down rocks 🙂

Many times we thought we had lost our way only to retrace our steps and decide it was actually the right way so up and down we went !!
 When we finally thought we had cracked it we met,the only other walkers to be seen all day,a German couple coming the other way only to discover they could not find the important yellow rock,after much discussion we decided that we were in fact in the totally wrong place after all 🙁
 After some more toing and froing we decided to call it a day and retrace our steps back to Port de Soller,where we had a litre of Sangria to drown our sorrows.
 It’s the first time we have ever been beaten by a route and felt totally gutted !!
 We now realise that the important factor in loosing our way was crossing the dry riverbed in the valley rather than a streambed which was higher up on the path 🙁
 – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Paseo Es Travès Marina,Port de Sóller,Spain

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