Monthly Archives: June 2013

GEA Day One…Bocca Trabaria to St. Stefano


A tough start to the walk

We spent most of the day walking in thick gloopy extremely slippery mud, which made the ascents and descents very tricky.

The end of our day was meant to be at Passo di Viamaggio but the only hotel is closed on a Tuesday so we had to carry on to St Stefano.

Where we found a room at a hotel which goes by many different names but today it’s hotel Santo Stefano a souless place to say the least.

The best thing about today was the glorious all day sunshine and the fact we both arrived in one piece after walking over such slippery mud, something I would not have been able to do without my walking poles !

Tomorrow will be a shorter day and I hope the gloopy mud is now behind us.

Some pictures of the day are here

Grande Escursione Appenninica (GEA)

After spending a lovely evening in Pisa where we had some fun with the Tower ate lovely food and drank a few cocktails we are now on a train heading for Arezzo.

We shall then get a bus to Sansepolcro then hopefully on to Bocca Trabaria Where we shall stay overnight ready to start walking on Tuesday morning.

We had to change train at Florence so decided to spend a few hours sight seeing and what a lovely city it was….. I especially enjoyed seeing David !

About to get on the train to Arezzo now and continue on our journey



Panic buy

Tomorrow we fly off to Pisa to spend some time walking along the GEA.

Yesterday I had a panic and decided I did not want to walk in my shoes.

So today it was a trip to Cotswold to buy a pair of Scarpa gtx boots,
once again getting 15% discount with my Cambridge rambling club membership

Now I think I am ready to go and enjoy 🙂
