You’re Banned !!

Just recently I have been having a number of people calling round trying to sell me things or sign up to monthly charity payments.

Just like millions of other of people I cannot afford to do either 🙁

Last week a charity collector was very rude to me and it left me feeling very upset and mean 🙁

I do give to charity in many ways, take all my unwanted things to charity shops, buy pin badges etc but I do this when I can AND do not want people at my door trying to pressure me into a monthly payment I cannot afford !

So now thanks to I have this…..








Now lets just hope these people are intelligent enough to READ !!

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2 thoughts on “You’re Banned !!

  1. Jane

    Hey – that was a lovely surprise – glad you found me! I’ve just had to work out how to do a call reject thing on my phone because I was getting calls for a charity scam every two hours – do these people never sleep? Love the hat x Jane

  2. Lady Banana

    I peek thorough my spyhole and if it looks like one of these people I don’t even open the door!

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