Me time !

After listening to a few of my friends I decided that I should be looking after myself a little better.

Its ok doing all this work but I should have a treat now and then instead of putting all the money away for bills that I worry about ALL the time.

Something I have wanted to do for along time now is go to a Pilates class , I have found a class that looks suitable for me and I should be starting soon 🙂

I also booked myself in for some Acupuncture and Shiatsu massage with Karen Merritt  I really enjoyed the treatment, felt totally relaxed afterwards and my aching legs and bum are feeling much much better.

Karen treated me previously, with acupuncture, for the night sweats I was getting and amazingly it stopped them 🙂

Tomorrow I am having another Acupuncture  treatment with Charlotte from the Crystal Cave it will be interesting to see how my legs feel after this treatment.

I certainly hope to be back to my running next week and will continue to treat myself to a treatment every month.

My Hot stone massage seems to be what everyone wants so its great to trade skills 🙂

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