Monthly Archives: April 2012

Garden Part 2

Its almost a year since I moved into my lovely house, for some reason my garden was full of concrete strips, Geoff  always said we would get rid of them BUT to me it looked a huge job.

Digging up the concrete started a good month ago and over the past few days Geoff has been finishing my garden for me 🙂

Its been very hard work and at least 4 ton of concrete had to be moved to Frimstone Quarry at Snettisham on what had to be the wettest day this year 🙁

We then collected sand and 14mm gravel ready for laying the Patio and path the following day, which was thankfully dry !

The third day was spent planting some shrubs, digging the vegetable plot, and moving the  rotary washing line from the middle of the garden.

I even have a compost bin now and will try to do a little more recycling, its something I have never really been into as it involves too much driving to take the stuff to the recycling centre, which in itself is not green !

Its looking fantastic and all thats left for me to do is plant some vegetables, seed the grass and generally look after my beautiful new Garden.

Now all I need is the sun to come back so I can enjoy it at its best 🙂

Another HUGE thanks to Geoff for all his help and hard work, next week he is off to walk the south west coast path and even though I will miss him tons I hope he has a fantastic time because he deserves too 🙂


For the past few months I have found every excuse I could think of to stop myself from signing up for a 10km run.

First it was the cost, then it was Geoff  would be away , then it was I would have no one to encourage me on the day and the list went on and on :-( and because of my dithering around I missed out on the 10km I originally wanted to do.

Then I realised if I didn’t act soon I was likely to miss out on the other 10km that I had my eye on, so I have now signed up for the GEAR 10km on May 6th.




This week I have also aggravated an old achilles problem 🙁 🙁  so there will be no running for me in the coming week !