Cambridge to Lockeridge

After having a fantastic walking weekend in Stratford on Avon with the Cambridge Rambling Club, it was time to set out for our next little walking trip.

So this morning we left Cambridge on the 10.30 train,making our way to Pewsey, with bargain priced train tickets of £8 and £12

Once we reached Pewsey we set of walking the 7 miles to Lockeridge where we are now settled into the Tafftrail B&B.

Earlier in the evening we had a lift into near by Marlborough so we could have a quick look round and grab a bite to eat.

We choose to walk the 4 miles back to the B&B taking us back through the foggy and dark country lanes calling in at the Outside Chance pub in Manton for coffee/beer.

Safe back at the B&B I took advantage of there being a bath and enjoyed a nice relaxing deep hot bath, setting me up for a good nights sleep before we start walking the Ridgeway tomorrow .

If today’s little taster of a walk is anything to go by it’s going to be a great 6 days 🙂
Pewsey to Lockeridge & Marlborough at EveryTrail

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