Highlights from Les Gets

As usual I had a totally Fantastic time skiing in Les Gets, the snow was lovely and the sun fantastic 🙂

A few things made it extra special this year….


Firstly our friends Kay and Anthony are working over near Les Gets for the season, running Ski Wizards, not only did we go to the wizards castle for dinner but I also went out to ski with Kay on 2 afternoons, for many reasons this was fabulous for me 🙂

Sally, Gail and Louise

Secondly we caught up with our friends Gail and Thierry, its always great to see them, Gail and her daughter Louise managed an afternoon skiing with us and Thierry was brave enough to give me a ski lesson, trying to improve my technique as I tend to ski using my hips rather than my knees 🙁 . I learnt a great deal and will have to practise lots next year.

Finally I was treated to a fantastic 5 course evening meal at La Grande Ourse,which is a family run restaurant on Mont Chèry at an altitude of 1750metres (5742 feet)  overlooking the picturesque mountain village of Les Gets ,to get there was an experience in its self, About 15 diners had booked for the meal and transport was on the pisten bully straight up Mont Chery !

The menu was amazing,thankfully it was a clear night so the views were also amazing.

starter at La Grande Ourse

This evenings menu was slightly different, so for my main course I had an Ostrich fillet served on a homemade rosti with a butternut squash sauce, then for dessert Ross the Chef made me, my very own Creme Brulee, which was divine !

A totally wonderful evening with fantastic food and such a fabulous experience too 🙂

Then after all this fantastic fun I came home to discover that I had managed to loose 2lb in weight too, all thanks to my wonderful Fitbit , which I am sure I will blog about soon 🙂

It was really sad to leave everyone to come home But work was calling 🙁




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