Saving the best till last !

I really enjoyed doing all my baking and cooking over Christmas, especially when it was so enjoyed.

The dish I enjoyed making the most though, had to be The Christmas Pudding, Its something I have wanted to make for many years.

Thanks to my friend Caity, who made me aware of a Jamie Oliver recipe, that only needed 3 hours steaming,this year I had no excuse not to make that pudding !

A few people had wondered if it really would be a Christmas pudding with just 3 hours steaming but let me tell you… it was and the empty dishes told me it was ! not a crumb was left.

Luckily I had  some of the mixture left and have 3 small puddings here at home so I can have a second tasting 🙂

2012 baking challenge is going to be a bread one, using the book,Five Minute Bread but Santa didn’t know it was on my list so first I have to order the book 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Saving the best till last !

  1. Working Mum

    I’ve enjoyed looking at your Christmas baking in your last few posts. The pudding looked delicious – I love Christmas pudding.

    As for the bread, I’ve been on a breadfest since I got Paul Hollywood’s book for my birthday – I’m totally addicted to bread making now. Go for it!

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