Calm before the storm

Some people seemed to think I should be at home today, packing ready to move on Wednesday, BUT I thought differently !

So as Geoff is leading a walk for the Cambridge rambling club on 12th June,we decided we best go and recce that walk today.

As we are going to be pretty well tied up for the next week or so šŸ™‚

Although it was a windy day it was still quite warm in the sun and the threatened rain stayed well away.

We spent some of the 18 miles making plans for the house move and thinking of all the jobs I have to do.

Lets just pray there are no more hitches and I get those keys tomorrow.

Cambourne-Eltisley circular walk

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2 thoughts on “Calm before the storm

  1. anne

    Didn’t say you (should) of been home packing … thought you (would )of been home packing … big difference .. !

  2. Geoff

    A great little walk lets hope the Cambridge Rambling club A team think the same way! Now for the move and hoping that Barclays have hung onto the money for long enough and will release it on Monday šŸ™‚

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