The adventure begins

Now sat in heathrow airport having what could be my last lovely cappuccino for a month.

We board in an hour and I cannot tell you how excited I feel.
Also feeling a little sad that I won’t see my boys for a whole month , it’s the longest we will have ever been apart.

On route to Beijing we are having 3 days in Dubai so this time tomorrow I will be enjoying the pool and heat .

Then next on the list is our walk with the Beijing hikers 🙂

When packing I realised all the kit I have with me is from Rohan , even my jeans , all good travelling clothes, I hope 🙂

BTW for any one interested the small package in my previous post is a 20 L day Ruc sac great for travelling with.

Although I may need another bag to bring all my souvenirs home especially as Matthew has requested a terracotta army 🙂

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8 thoughts on “The adventure begins

  1. onethoughtfulwoman

    Hope you are both having a great time, grab every wonderful moment of this trip together.
    Love from Mr E.

  2. Noclue

    You are still in the UK and yet you have started to brag already? Do you think that any of us remotely care that you’ll be spending a few days in the heat and sun and sand of Dubai? Its not that we are jealous at all…….we will accept your bragging and your feeling all superior with the sun and sand and blue skies and blue sea….oh brag on Sally! We don’t care!

  3. anne

    Have fun … stay away from the Chickens Feet ….don’t get a funny belly either ..!

    Your clothing should be good for travelling, expensive stuff.

    I am sure you will be blogging on route.. I still have to do mine. Will look out for your photos.

    1. Sally

      Yes Rohan clothes are expensive that’s why I have been collecting mine up during there sales . Will let you know what I think to the chickens feet x

    1. Sally

      Hi Ren yes Tesco my customers and my fish will miss me but will I miss them 🙂 of course we shall give all in Dubai a big hug from you x

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