The Wedding

The reason we went to Italy was to see Geoff’s nephew get married šŸ™‚

As it was a late afternoon wedding a little spot of sightseeing had been arranged for during the day.

The mini bus picked us all up at 10.30 and our first stop was…

Montefiore Conca, where we could stop in the local square for coffee and people watch or walk up to the castle rock and look down on Conca valley to the Adriatic sea .

We did both šŸ™‚

Then it was off to il mio casale a small biological farm producing wine and olive oil as well as freash home made pasta.

We had a most wonderful lunch here in an unique railway carriage.

Then back to the Belvedere Hotel for a swim in the pool or a siesta before the wedding.

The wedding was at the beautiful church San Simeone, in Serra di Sopra, Montefiore Conca  the service was wonderful.

The Italian language is so lovely to listen to, the service felt like listening to a song it just flowed šŸ™‚

The reception was at Signora Merli Todaro’s house and was an out side affair which was lovely in the Italian heat.

An 8 course meal was served which included some very unusual food like basil Ice cream šŸ™‚

It was a most wonderful day enjoyed by all šŸ™‚

More photos can be seen here

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5 thoughts on “The Wedding

  1. anne

    Sounds like a wonderful day šŸ™‚

    Did you know that Basil Icecream as been around for the last couple of years I believe ,, even here in the UK .. Lots of mixed icecreams using Basil with another ingredient too.

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