A full Day

Today started with a trip to the tip to remove all the lawn and hedge cuttings from my Garden.

Followed by a quick half hour work out at the gym 🙂

I then collected Geoff from the train station and we made our way home.

After Geoff admired my Garden we set off to walk over the fields to the next Village.

The reason for this walk was to Visit The Art exhibition being held in the local church.

Over 400 paintings to enjoy , all by local artist.

I have a liking for Beach Huts and bought myself a small painting but cannot collect it till next week.

We then made our way home through Congham Heath

Grimston Art walk

Map your trip with EveryTrail

After some dinner Geoff enjoyed his Indian Head massage before I returned him to the train station.

Then it was time for my yoga class , where for some reason , I fell asleep in the relaxation part 🙂

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3 thoughts on “A full Day

  1. sally

    Anne..I keep the jobs i cannot do for Geoff 🙂 and its a nice painting but very small not what i am really wanting but will do till I find the one !

  2. anne

    You should of let geoff mow your lawn for you, as he offered .. ..

    Yes you have always loved Beach Huts, pleased you got a painting :-)..lovely walk too!

  3. Gledwood

    Indian sounds quite phunkie… I’d quite like to try it… Sounds a bit like all the pampersome pleasures of a haircut without the inconvenience of an unflattering change of look!!

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