An essential buy

If your a Lady jogger apart from your shoes the next most important bit of gear is….

A very good sports bra.

I knew I needed a new one but kept putting off buying one.

The last thing I want is sagging breasts

So finally at the weekend I decided I had to get one.

I was shocked at the price …ƂĀ£32 and would much rather have spent the money on a nice pink sexy girlie one šŸ™‚

But I know the importance of having a good jogging bra.

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6 thoughts on “An essential buy

  1. Geoff

    Pleased that you are looking after them so well šŸ™‚ Just make sure you have good shock absorbing shoes. Would hate to think that you are giving yourself knee problems….

  2. sally

    Anne… I have got a sports bra šŸ™‚ just time it was replaced… I could not buy on line due to size and past mistakes so needed to get it right this time šŸ™‚

  3. anne

    Sally, suprised you put off buying one.. .. did you buy it from a shop, not online, they have ones cheaper than that. I suppose it all depends on the make, etc,

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