Lost for words

I realize not everyone is as lucky as me.

Some people live in mud huts and never get to go on holiday.

I often think about these people and try in my own little way to brighten their day.

For a while now I have been sending Devonshire Dumpling a postcard when ever I go away,so she can decorate her mud hut with them and dream.

I do it purely because i like to rub her nose in it  I enjoy doing it and I know she enjoys receiving them.

The last thing I ever expected was to receive something in return.

But this week I received the most wonderful gift from Devonshire Dumpling, in her words

“Its something for you and Geoff when you are rambling over the hills and dales and climbing every mountain, and fording every stream and following every rainbow”

My fellow walkers are going to be so jealous, mind you so is Geoff because he is a vegetarian 🙁 so I get to keep them all to myself 🙂

Now I bet your all wondering what I received, well lucky me got 6 boxes of hot pack meals

I just feel a bit bad (not ) that Devonshire Dumpling had to trade her beloved Raki in so she could afford to get me such a great gift.

I am in debt with her for a least a 1000 postcards so best I go and book another holiday 🙂

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11 thoughts on “Lost for words

  1. Devonshire Dumpling

    Oh dear, looks like Geoff has been left out 🙁

    When my friends and I next order some I’ll get a vegetable one included with my order and send it to you.

    Friends in the emergency services do use them and we keep a few in our cars (in case we break down, get snowed in or simply decide to extend our day out in the Countryside) but certainly filling they are. I’m so glad you are pleased with them.

  2. onethoughtfulwoman

    What goes round comes round as they say. What a lovely story and gesture. Enjoy thiese gifts and it is so nice to hear a story such as this. It is always good to hear when we just do with out noise or needing praise. They are the best things indeed.
    A lesson for us all in compassion and care.
    Lovely Sally.

  3. your dad

    THEY look delicious IF you cant manage them you know where you can bring them ..IT WOULD BE SUCH A SHAME NOT TO SHARE THEM … GOOD old D D.

  4. Anne

    A wonderful gift. 🙂 Oh yes you are a very lucky lady. Enjoy your gift as much as your friend enjoys receiving your postcards. I am sure you will. I don;t think that your next holiday will be far away and you can feast on these wonderful meals.

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