First run of 2010

Even though the roads and pavements are still very icy and slippery in my village I just had to go for a run today.

Matthew came with me, because he thought it might be fun 🙂

After a light covering of snow , the path we took across the fields was beautiful, it was like running on cotton wool.

Unfortunately we had to shorten the run as the last stretch on the road was far too icy

So the GPS said 1.78 miles …. moving average 5.3 mph and moving time 20.06 lots of room for improvement but at least its a start.

( wont be downloading my GPS tracks as I dont have the patience to sit and try over and over again , just for it not to work )

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3 thoughts on “First run of 2010

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    Oh wow, you are brave. I haven’t run since 27 December. After what happened when I pulled my tendon last winter and was off running for 6 weeks, I am just too nervous that I will slip on the ice and be out of action for ages.

    But I am missing it soooo much. I hope to get out at the weekend.

    Well done anyway. And have a great time skiing.

    We skiied on snow on New Year’s Eve – only on the dry slope but there was a proper snow covering. Made me realise how much I have missed it. I haven’t skied on a proper piste since April 2008! Yikes.

  2. onethoughtfulwoman

    I am going for a run at the weekend even if I have to drive to dry rds. Grimston is still like an ice ring and K fell over today just walking.
    I am so concerned I will never catch up now on the fitness but still have lots more time left.
    Haven’t run for a month:-(. I really miss it now and my knees have well recovered.

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