Happy Birthday

My baby is 18 today 🙂

So I am taking  both my boys and Geoff out for lunch 🙂

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10 thoughts on “Happy Birthday

  1. devonshire dumpling

    Is Matthew still speaking to you (after he found out you had plastered his pics on the WWW?) he looks a lot like you Sal, but please tell him that drinks he purchases legally will no longer taste as nice as the ones he bought illegally.

  2. sally

    Matthew has grown into a really lovely young man….and I am very proud of both my boys. we had a lovely lunch and he took us to the pub to buy his first round of drinks (legally ) and was real disappointed when they did not ask him for any ID

  3. Ellee

    Sally, Matthew is a lovely looking boy, and you should be one very proud mum.
    Congratulations Matthew, and I hope you all have a wonderful lunch.

  4. Devonshire Dumpling

    Your Eighteen year old baby is going to really hate you! I think you may have to grovel throughout 2010 if he sees what you shared on the blogshere – cute kid, nice son , now a grown up adult (can I employ him as my toy boy?)

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