Am I or Arn’t I

I have been thinking about changing internet provider for months well maybe even years.
After my last Upset with AOL its taken me 10 months to stop thinking about it and do it
Yesterday October the 13th was switch over day.
First disappointment was that my BT wireless hub had not arrived.
Not quite understanding how these things work I half expected to have no internet when I returned from work.
But I do have internet how ever is it with AOL or BT.
BT says its certainly BT internet on my line but when I look up my IP address it still says carphone warehouse.
I know it will take another 10 days before my internet account closes with AOL and my wireless Hub is in the postal sorting office in Milton Keynes.
What a shame that I cannot get twice the speed if I have Both AOL and BT it would certainly solve my problems with streaming on BBC Iplayer 🙂 
In the mean time i sit and wait for the postman  🙁

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6 thoughts on “Am I or Arn’t I

  1. sally

    well so we are impressed with BT …boys love it as they no longer keep getting dumped off the network…. My iplayer streams more times than not ….. and its so much cheaper too.

    Ellee if yours is expensive then you need to see about getting a new price plan from them

    Murry … the offer is there for the taking .. you know where to find me at week-ends 🙂

  2. Murray

    Never mind the lines, I am just looking at those photos wondering why I have not taken up that head massage.

  3. jameshigham

    BT are good, apart form ripping you off, double-charging and never answering your calls without going through a dozen button pushings. And they send you two letters – one to thank you for paying and one to threaten to cut you off for not paying.

  4. Geoff

    I still find it hard to believe that BT think you are with them when the ip address clearly shows you are with carphone warehouse aka AOL, i bet if you were deemed to be doing something illegal BT would be happy to pass the buck to AOL 🙁

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