I made It!

Yesterday I finally made it all the way to Lima on my own

I left Cambridge at 2.45am and arrived in Lima at around mid-night English time (6pm Lima time )

The journey was fantastic i hardly noticed it was a 12 hour flight from Madrid, and they fed you very well too.

The plane was huge and it was full with over 350 passengers, the guy I sat next too was Mexican and could not speak any English so I went 12 hours with out talking to anyone , and that was the hardest part πŸ™‚

It was fantastic to see Geoff again who whisked me off to our hotel and gave me 20 mins to shower before taking me for a meal and to meet one of his fellow travellers.

The restaurant was a very posh one right inside the famous ruins called Huaca Pucllana in Lima, straight away I wished I had packed just one nice dress and not all travel clothes πŸ™

Geoff said i should try a local Peruvian dish called Ceviche..which is raw fish marrinated in lemon juice .Well I tried it and it was disgusting,it was just like sucking a raw lemon its the first time ever that I have had to leave food. My mouth and tongue was numb from the lemon juice .Next time I will be trying the roasted baby Goat πŸ™‚

This morning we are flying to Cusco in fact we are at the airport now , having muddled up our times we found ourselves here about 3 hours too early.

.I really must get myself a watch πŸ™‚

Posted via email from sallyinnorfolk’s posterous

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7 thoughts on “I made It!

  1. jmb

    I didn’t realize you were off already. Have a wonderful trip Sally, I am sure it will be all you expect and more.

  2. anne

    You not talk for 12 hours!!! Ha ha that must of been very hard πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ x x

    I knew you would make it, you just don’t worry about things, I know you say you do, but you don’t.

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