Change of routine..

This Sunday instead of meeting up with my usual walking group in Cambridge, I drove out to Royston to meet up with the Newmarket Ramblers.

Thanks to my tom tom I found my way there easily.royston 003

The reason for doing this was to meet up with a very dear friend. 

Tess and I met maybe 4 years ago through the Ramblers forum and still mange to meet up now for the occasional walk.

The 10 mile walk was in beautiful rolling countryside, through wonderful country lanes On the hottest day of the year so far πŸ™‚

Glad to say this time I had remembered my sun cream πŸ™‚

Once back In Cambridge I got myself down to the River to have a very welcome swim to cool myself down.

Only 2 more week-ends now before I go off to meet up with Geoff,  and I plan to walk 15 miles on both these Sundays πŸ™‚

More photos can be seen here

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5 thoughts on “Change of routine..

  1. sally

    Yes James what a shame i had to drive…. I would love to live in town …. even Kings lynn it would make my life so much easier and would be sssooo much better for my boys too … in fact it would change my life and thiers completely

  2. sally glad your still doing some walking…

    Cherrypie… your so right , no one not even Geoff realizes just how much i have missed him πŸ™‚

  3. CherryPie

    The walk sounds fun but I think the looking forward to meeting up with Geoff soon is even more fun for you πŸ˜‰

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