Oxfam walk..

Yesterday was the 42nd annual Cambridge Oxfam walk, this year held at Chilford Hall.

You could choose from several beautiful walks in the countryside ranging from 4 to 26 miles.

As I was walking with a friend not used to long distances we decided on the 12 mile route.chilford

We woke to the sound of pouring rain but luckily it soon stopped and during the day we only had one other downpour.

At Linton in the village Hall , we had tea and cakes..all cakes home made by villagers.

It was a very enjoyable walk in lovely countryside and we had a great day.

My friend did very well and I just hope her legs are not aching too much today 🙂

Next year I hope I will be able to do the longer Route with Geoff

All photos can be seen here

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5 thoughts on “Oxfam walk..

  1. anne

    Very strange people 🙂 :-)…. maybe I should try it to see what I am missing ha ha …have to learn to run first .. then add the rain!!!

  2. onethoughtfulwoman

    Thought of you yesterday Sally. The homemade cakes sounded great. Simple pleasures and actvities making the world go round. I ran in the wet yesterday too. It felt wonderful. I was surprised.

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