A fun day on Radio Norfolk

I had  great fun yesterday on BBC Radio Norfolk Morning Show, talking about twitter, blogging and Face book.  image

I enjoyed meeting Lisa King a fellow Twitterer and face booker, who lives in Dereham.

If you missed it here is the iplayer play it again link Ò€¦just fast forward to 2.10


Shame that Geoff was not able to listen to it, as I am sure he would have been proud of me πŸ™‚

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6 thoughts on “A fun day on Radio Norfolk

  1. sally

    Ellee…shame your not listened to it… Geoff hasnt been able too either πŸ™ and it wont be there for long …

    Thanks to everyones that has had a listen… πŸ™‚

  2. Ellee

    Hi Sally, I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, but I’m so pleased it went so well for you. Do you know if Radio Norfolk is on Twitter like Radio Cambs?

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