The Cumbria Way

As most of you will know I was away with Geoff  last week doing what we enjoy….  walking !

At the very last minute it was decided that we would make our way up to the Lake cumbrian way 002District.

We left  Cambridge on the Wednesday and stopped over with friends in Elland, having a lovely morning walk along the canal on the Thursday before heading off to Kendal.

In Kendal our lovely friends, George and Jacquie, put us up over night then George drove us to Ulverston early on the Friday morning.

The Plan was to see how far along The Cumbria Way we could walk in 3 days.

Day 1. We went from Ulverston to Skelwith a total of 24 miles walked, not including the 2 miles to the pub ! Coming into Coniston along the lake was a beautiful walk.

Day 2. We went from Skelwith to Keswick a total of 22 miles walked, again coming into Keswick by Derwent water just as the sun was setting.

Day 3. We went from Keswick to Caldbeck a total of 19 miles walked, amazing views as we skirted round Skiddaw.

George then came and picked us up at Caldbeck and we stayed in Kendal another night before returning home.

Towards the end of Day 3 I had my first major slip while out walking and I fell into Grainsgill Beck.3376053029_fa6b1642de

I can tell you it was freezing and for a moment I thought I was going to be swept right back down to the bottom of the beck . Luckily for me my ruc-sac got caught between 2 rocks.

Thankfully  I always carry spare kit so had a full set of dry clothing to change into and this was a good reminder of why we always carry it.

At times we found the route hard to follow and sometimes confusing but don’t let this put you off, as this walk was truly beautiful.

We were lucky to have the most fantastic weather too.

This was the most I have ever walked in such a short time, so I  came home very happy and high from all the fresh air and sunshine.

Photos can be seen here.. and …here

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10 thoughts on “The Cumbria Way

  1. Pingback: Geoff Jones » Cumbrian Way and Everytrail

  2. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Touched..

  3. Reluctant Blogger

    I am amazed at how far you walked. I think I would have lain down on the floor and had a paddy after 20 miles. Well, I might not even have had the energy for the paddy.

    I love Keswick. We always stayed there for the Whitsun half term when I was a child and went walking all round that area – Catbells, Skiddaw Pike. I used to love unexpectedly coming upon a clear blue tarn high up in the fells and my sister and I would rush down to it and the water was SOOOO cold. Oh and we’d always stick an extra rock on every cairn that we passed. We used those old Wainwright books with the handwritten text – such fun.

    It is lucky you had the change of clothes. Well, not lucky, well-prepared. Glad you had fun and that you did not injure yourself.

  4. onethoughtfulwoman

    So glad you were ok after the fall. That rugsack must have been your guardian angel. It sounds lovely even though exhausting for most of us.
    So glad you had a nice time and yes, the weather was lovely wasn’t it, last week.

  5. anne

    Wow such a fantastic time….omg…lucky your rucksack stopped you …at least you weren’t hurt…x x

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