
Being I was so disappointed not to get any sloes last year for making some more Sloe gin.

I have been looking for recipes for making some other kind of liqueur, the favourite seems to be Raspberry vodka.

When out walking to Grantchester at the week-end we came across a box of DSCF3087 demijohns free to a good home.

I thought these would be great for doing my raspberry vodka in, so we rescued a couple.

Once I can find some cork or rubber bungs for them I will be able to get it started in plenty of time for Christmas 🙂

I found a great site, The Cottage Smallholder with some great recipes and Ideas and I have my eye on a book called Make Mine Vodka

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8 thoughts on “Rescued..

  1. onethoughtfulwoman

    Raspberry voda. Count me in for wanting a taste. You could always have a wine tasting tweet meet up. We will all be there. Good luck with it.

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