2000 miles…

If your a regular reader of my blog you will remember that my older son got a job in August 2008 after being un-employed for 9 months.

This job is at the Bircham Newton Construction College a good 12 miles from where we live.

The only way for him to get to work was to cycle ,so that a 25 mile round trip.

Thankfully he was already very fit so the cycling was not a problem for him.

I have worked out he has now cycled at least 2000 miles in all weathers and never once complained.

I know very few 20 year old boys that would show that kind of dedication.image

That 2000 miles does not include any over time either.

NOW I think the time has come to encourage him to take his driving test again which is proving to be a hard task.

Even though I kept my red Clio for him when I got my new car.

It seems that as he is only contracted to work part time he is worried he will not be able to afford to run a car.

After looking into insurance for him I can see why he is worried  BUT he really needs to be driving.

So when we return from our holiday I will book a test for him then he has no choice 🙂

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4 thoughts on “2000 miles…

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Third Time Lucky.

  2. jmb

    My son cycled everywhere for many years too. Even when he went to graduate school in Toronto he cycled back and forth, a 14 mile yourney, in all kinds of weather, unless the snow was impassable.

    I hope yours passes the test this time.

    Have a great holiday Sally.

  3. your dad

    yes you are quite right andrew should pass his driving test while he is young. he can still go to work on his bike when the weather is ok. but it would be nice to have an alternetive & who knows what might happen ,[better job etc]

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