
This year my cake looked too good to eat….

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But that did not stop people from tucking in, and even if I say so myself it was truly delicious.

My Mince pies and Christmas muffins also went down very well too.

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So nice to bake for people that appreciate home baking  🙂

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8 thoughts on “Irresistible….

  1. Ellee

    Hi Sally, I have yet to taste one of your fab looking cakes. Maybe in 200. Hope you and Geoff have a wonderful New Year together.

  2. devonshire dumpling

    Another great looking cake and more foodery that would have looked far better here in my safekeeping at “Tethers-End” – I can’t write more. I am overcome with emotion and am drooling all over my keyboard.

  3. Geoff

    They all tasted yummy and having being bought up on home cooking I know a good cake when I taste it 🙂 Pity my boys were not around as well, the whole lot would have been instantly consumed 🙂

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