A routine that works….

I have been struggling these last few months with my exercise routine.

It all started when the cost of petrol / diesel went sky high and with my sons getting their jobs.

I resented having to go out and drive a round trip of aprox 16 miles just to go to the gym on my own.image

As I am away from home at week-ends I think its only fair my sons come first when I am here with them.

I have to collect one son from work twice during the week, and sometimes if he goes out I have to be the taxi driver.

So to be truthful the last thing I want to do is any more driving.

For a while I tried going to the gym in Downham Market straight from work but it just did not suit me.

Then a twitter friend suggested I tried running at night in the dark.image

At first I thought she must be mad.. but the idea grew on me.

I live in a village where there is a shortage of street lights but also not much traffic.

The first couple of runs felt strange, I almost ran into a parked car, I never realized how dark it really is.

I now carry a torch with me and know when I need to use it.

This routine is really working for me and I have been out three times this week.

Its amazing what you can do with a little bit of encouragement and a positive attitude.

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One thought on “A routine that works….

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    Hey thanks for the link!

    I’m glad evening running works for you too. I love it! And I run so much better in the evening than I do earlier in the day.

    We’ll have to keep encouraging each other when the nights get even colder!

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