Test post

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Test post
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Test post

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7 thoughts on “Test post

  1. Philip

    Great birthday in Oxford and lots of short walking by the Kennet & Avon canal and watching the world’s oldest steam beam engine doing it’s original work pumping water for the canal. Take care in Spain!

  2. sally

    Reluctant Blogger …. still in cambridge dont fly to seville till 7am tomorrow.

    was just amking sure my mobile blog still worked and the photo was taken on the norfolk coast a few months ago 🙂

  3. sally

    It was Geoff who helped me get this working from my phone…. last year when we went walking in corsica 🙂

    Now the t-mobile data prices are down to £1.50 a mb i hope to post a few photos while away in seville.

    Just to sort my ruc-sac out and Iam all ready, bit concerned about the 4th walking day which might have to be a 30 miler 🙁

  4. Deb Acle

    Receiving you loud and clear Sally!

    Well done for getting your head round this way of posting – it’s beyond me!

    Small photo but clear to see you’re on a seashore enjoying the sun.

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