A walk, a swim and a party….

We managed to fit all these things into our Sunday.

It started off with a 15 mile walk from Grantchester with the Cambridge Rambling grantchester walk 007club.

It was a perfect sunny day and you could be forgiven for thinking it was the middle of summer.

We did a circular walk via Toft taking in some beautiful countryside, the blackberries were in abundance but I resisted the urge to collect more.

On returning to Grantchester, Vera the walk leader provide us with a wonderful spread of home made scones ,raspberry and apple pie and a wicked chocolate cake too.

After saying our goodbyes we walked back into Cambridge via Grantchester meadows making our walking mileage 20 miles for the day.grantchester walk 011

The walking route and more photos can be seen here

We then made our way to the Jesus Green outdoor pool, where it was the last swim of the season.

Geoff has swam here 56 times through the season but much to my disappointment I have not swam so much this year.

This weekend though I did get a  swim Saturday and Sunday, the water was very cold but refreshing too :-) 

Then it was a dash home to put our posh clothes on and head out to Anstey Hall to join Paul and Kate, to celebrate their wedding.

A truly wonderful day 🙂

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5 thoughts on “A walk, a swim and a party….

  1. Ellee

    How can you pack so much in a day Sally? I would have been knackered after that walk. It did look lovely, I knew it would be and am so pleased you both had a wonderful time.

  2. Pingback: Geoff Jones » A day in the country…

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