Maybe its time..

To put my house on The Community Council House Exchange list

I know it makes sense so why am I so SCARED  !!

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2 thoughts on “Maybe its time..

  1. sally

    Gledwood … Thanks for the word of encouragement, I only want to move 20 miles away from here to a place called downham market so no big city for me 🙂 I need to be closer to my job, as i work in tesco i can only agree with what you say about the smoked salmon too 🙂

  2. Gledwood

    I don’t blame you for being petrified… you know all the cautionary proverbs e.g. “better the devil you know”… but sometimes it’s best just to strike out. And sometimes little can be WORSE than the “devil you know” that’s what I found on MY housemove!

    If you move to a big city PLEASE make sure it’s London, Paris, Berlin, New York (are international moves permitted? surely we’re in the EU so why NOT???)

    do not go to Wrexham: it’s really vulgar

    take care Sally and thanks for the smoked salmon comment I heartily recomment Tesco’s own value offcuts they taste xactly the same yet are way WAY cheaper!

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