One for the Girls…..

Wonder how many of my Female readers own a Radley handbag.230463210

If you do it would be good fun to post pictures up on your blog.

I was never into handbags just ruc-sacs but I am now getting a liking for handbags too.

I own a Radley purse and If I had a Radley bag I think I would choose this one.

Would it not be fantastic to have all the Radley accessories ??

If you don’t own a Radley bag why not post up a picture of the one you would like !!

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8 thoughts on “One for the Girls…..

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » My First Radley Bag.

  2. sally

    I only have / use one handbag ….. will treat myself to A Radley Bag when I get myself some more Massage Clients, a good incentive i think πŸ™‚

  3. nunyaa

    I am almost afraid to say I only own two, one a medium sized handbag and the one I always use is a small one, both black. No imagination here. They just generic brands and no matter what I clean out of them, they still not big enough for all that I want to cart around in them. One day I shall get around to treating myself to something more up market.

  4. CherryPie

    I am like jmb I have loads of handbags. My brother rudely refers to me as the bag lady!

    I will have to try and take you up on the challenge for a Radley photo πŸ˜‰

  5. jmb

    Sally these are gorgeous. I had never heard of them as no doubt they are not sold over here. I love handbags and have far too many. I do have one criteria and that is they must have an outside pocket for my car keys. I don’t care about anything else, well I do like them to be leather although I do have one or two in nylon fabric. I also like the handle to be long enough to go over the shoulder but not be too long. I’m afraid I like the one that is 350 pounds quite a lot. I also like Tangiers red large, only 180 pounds.

    If someone is offering one, jump at it. They are fabulous.

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