Treats for week-end

I love Fridays, it means the week-end is almost here and I get my few days in Cambridge with Geoff.

I love to bake on a Friday Afternoon while I hang around so I can take my son to football.

Today I made Date and Walnut Muffins and more Rock Cakes.

The smell wafting from my kitchen was glorious.

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I have also bottled my Sloe Gin… which not only looks good but tastes  good too !!

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I had an idea to make Muffins with the sloe’s from the gin but when I tried one I decided they were far too bitter.

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7 thoughts on “Treats for week-end

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Putting plans into action…

  2. Baht At

    can you mail me a few rock cakes we only get Jaffa cakes with our coffee and they are getting boring.

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