ipods and head phones.

As part of my Christmas box or should that be Christmas bag 🙂

I received an ipod shuffle.

Its fantastic for down the gym, small easy to use , clip it on and away you go.41PYP1BXHKL._SL500_AA280_

Stores 240 songs that you can shuffle around so its like having a new play list every time.

My problem was getting the earphones to stay in my ears.

Once I start sweating they just keep slipping out !!

Over the last few months I have bought a few pairs of headphones but always the same problem

This weekend I decided enough was enough and splashed out on the headphones that I knew would work.

Sennheiser PMX70 – Sportline Stereo Neckband Headphones.

The price had previously put me off.

The out come was that I now have great earphones that stay in my ears and the lesson to be learnt was…. don’t buy on impulse shop around, as at amazon. they are half the price of what I paid 🙁

Maybe I should have known not to buy them from the APPLE store.

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6 thoughts on “ipods and head phones.

  1. sally

    Leslie I would recommend the ipod shuffle for the gym but its not easy ( imposible I would say ) to search for stored things . so not very good if you want to use it for pod casts or books.

    jmb I can highly recommend these headphones the only draw back i have found is that after about an hours wear they do start to hurt your ears a little .

  2. jmb

    I love my iPod for the gym and hate the earphones that came with them which fall out constantly. I have not yet found the right ones to replace them although I have wasted money on more unsuitable ones.

  3. Leslie

    I never thought it necessar for an ipod, but lately I’ve been thinking it’d keep me company on my walks or at the gym. Maybe I’ll look into it.

  4. CherryPie

    I am always a bit of a boring shop around girl myself (lots of research!!!) :-/

    Glad you have the right earphones for you now 🙂

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