Plan so Far……

Geoff and I booked our Train tickets yesterday for Fort William.

We Travel up to Glasgow on Sat 26th April, then will walk the West highland way to Fort William.

Hope to bag Ben Nevis  on the way then travel home on the 5th may.

So the plan so far is…..

Sun 27th April walk to Drymen 12 miles

Mon 28th April walk to Rowardennan 15 miles

Tues 29th April walk to Inverarnan 14 miles

Wed 30th April walk to Bridge of Orchy 19 miles

Thurs 1st may walk to Kingshouse 12 miles

Friday 2nd May walk to Kinloclleven 9 miles

Sat 3rd May  walk to Nevis Bridge 14 miles

Sun 4th May bag Ben Nevis  then stay in fort William ready for train home Monday morning.

I am sure these plans will change once I start trying to book the accommodation, which I expect is not going to be an easy task !

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9 thoughts on “Plan so Far……

  1. Pingback: Cambridge Cluster - Top Geoff goes slow!

  2. sally

    Philip long time no see great to hear from you…. will be a fantastic walk with fantastic scenery too I can hardly wait to go 🙂

  3. Leslie

    Sounds like a fab trip…wish I could walk that far…you’ll have to give me a treatment when I come to your neighbourhood next…

    What do you mean that you’ll “bag” Ben Nevis?

  4. Paul Williams

    Does sound like fun, I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Just watch those damn midges!!

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