Happy Birthday to me….

My blog is one year old today,and maybe the best gift I have ever had, I have learnt so much and made so many blogging friends too.

Its became a part of my life and bought me some great opportunities too .

This Christmas it was Emily’s turn to get a blog, she will be a natural at blogging and will soon become addicted to it I am sure.

Part of my Christmas Gift this year was an Ipod Shuffle so I have a new toy to go and play with now and a Christmas dinner to cook too.

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5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to me….

  1. Miss Smack

    Happy Anniversary! It’s easy to forget to blog/journal our accomplishments, behaviour and issues, but I think it’s important to be able to re-read archives and map progress too!

    Here’s to the next year 🙂

    xx Cath

  2. Pingback: Apple Ipod, Ipod Nano and Ipod Video News » Happy Birthday to me….

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