
walk 009



After doing my walk on Sunday and seeing all the blackberries ,today I had my son up at 10am, to come blackberry picking with me.

He would usually sleep till at least mid -day so was not best pleased but he came with out a moan.

So off we went on a mission to pick 4lb of blackberries for my jam making.

Came home an hour later with red stained,scratched hands and over 5lb of walk 010


Enough for my jam and a crumble for the boys as well.

Tomorrow I will go get the cooking apples and sugar then the jam making will begin.

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4 thoughts on “Blackberries….

  1. Liz

    It’s a great year for blackberries, isn’t it? They’re really fat and juicy and loads of them.

    Enjoy your scones and jam!

  2. sally

    LadyM believe it or not but Iam making scones right now…….

    My pc is working fine…. its my beloved laptop which is driving me insane it refuses to stay connected to the net and last night it took me over 2 hours to do a 20 min job…. trouble is my mapping stuff is on laptop so i need that for Geoff’s travels.

  3. lady macleod

    *sniff, sniff* I suppose you will put the wonderful jam over proper scones? and have tea? *sniff* I’m very food-homesick just now. Our cook used to make the blackberry jam and wonderful pies! The food here is wonderful, but nowhere can you get proper scones and tea – don’t even think about clotted creme! (sigh)

    Did you fix your computer troubles? Quite a lady you are, the computer-hiking-cooking-jam making-working woman! Well done!

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