Sally Twitter’s for 2007-09-04

  • Tesco staff magazine going to do a bit about me walking gr20 they just need me to e mail them a pic of me and geoff #
  • Having my hair cut now #
  • While geoff is away think i will up my meat in take starting with sausage tonight BUT they are quorn lol #
  • every time i try to open google earth my laptop crashes…… ;-( #
  • no gym for me tonight cannot face another drive into kings lynn so going for a jog instead #
  • Just finished the questionaire that Marek sent me about the GR20 #
  • Fab to get a phone call from Geoff… all is well ….he just needs a good nights sleep #

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One thought on “Sally Twitter’s for 2007-09-04

  1. Ellee

    I’m very impressed with your twittering, maybe you can show me how to do it when we meet up, I still can’t get a connection from my mobile, and am using the correct username and password. I th ink we need to start from scratch. That’s great news about the call from Geoff, he must have been lonely …..

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