A time of mourning ….

This is hard to say so straight to the point.

Had a very unexpected phone call on Monday night from my ex’s girlfriend.

He was killed in a pile up on the M5 while riding his motor bike.

Now we had been separated almost 3 years but this came as a great shock, especially as I then had to tell my boys.

You never expect to have to tell your children that their father has died.The Greatest Man

We are coping the best we can at the moment and are touched by every ones kindness.

This is what Matthew has to say about it on BEBO

On Monday July 23rd My father , David Kelly , was in a motorcycle accident on the M5 near bristol, he was only 40 years old since June 18th and i was soo glad i was there to celebrate his birthday with him as i do not see him regurlaly. he is like a hero to me , he has come through so many bad things lately that some people can only imagine , he finally came out on top , only for the world to take him away from us all . He was such a caring, lovely, funny man and he always used to brighten everyones day with his cheeriness , he never seemed to not go by a day when whatever happens he would always make one person laugh. i am proud to tell everyone that this man was my dad . i am soo proud for what he has achieved in his life , and now i am going to try and give myself a good life and make my father proud . i will see him again . I Love You Dad xxx

He has had so many nice words from his friends and I know this is helping him alot

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26 thoughts on “A time of mourning ….

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  3. fake consultant

    “he has come through so many bad things lately that some people can only imagine , he finally came out on top , only for the world to take him away from us all”…

    for what it’s worth, a close friend of ours died after overcoming a series of obstacles, and the one consoling thought was that she had one “really good year” before her death-and one good year is something many of us are denied in our own lives.

  4. Adelle

    Sally, dave was a good man, that piece that Mathew wrote brought goose pimples to my neck. it was lovely!! Martyn and me are thinking about you all at this time…… x

  5. Duncan

    I am sorry to hear about this loss. I can’t think of anything to say other than that. If there is anything I can do to help, please just email, Sally.

  6. marymary

    Dear Sally, I am so very sorry that you and your boys are facing this sad loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  7. jameshigham

    Sally, the reason it took so long for me to comment is that I lost my clsoest person this way and it’s taken me until now to post a reply. I don’t actually have words but you know what I’m thinking and I second all the above.

  8. Lizzie

    Sally, my condolencies to you and your family. I do hope you find the strength to help your children through a difficult time and to help you yourself to put everything into some sort of perspective. A similar situation ocurred to my daughters a few months ago. They are older than your offspring and indeed had to organise their own father’s funeral and they found it very hard. I do so sympathise.

    (BTW I came to your blog via MaryMary’s.)


  9. lorraine

    Life – a balance of extreme pendulum swings………
    So sorry to hear your news, a credit to how you have raised your children for Matthew to honour his Dad.
    Remember the love…. No words…. Love to you all…

  10. jmb

    My dear Sally, I am so sorry for your loss. How difficult it must be for you and your boys. What a fine son you have to have written this about his beloved father. No matter that he was your ex, he was the father of your sons and once you loved him deeply. Thinking of you all at this very difficult time and wishing you well.

  11. lady macleod

    Oh Sally

    I am so very sorry. I know you have your own pain and loss, but you are suffering the most for your children. You and your boys are in my prayers. I love what your son had to say. It sounds to me as though his parents have given him a firm foundation for that life he wants to build.

    We are all out here for you.

  12. john hee

    Sally – thoughts are with you. Despite the passage of time I sure there’s many shared memories that this has brought back.

    Remember the good. And let go the past?

  13. Andy

    The next few days, weeks and months are going to be an emotional roller coaster ride for you and the boys. Don’t forget to reach out to your many many friends whenever you feel the need.

  14. Elaine

    This world throws some rotten curved balls at us sometimes doesn’t it. Well done Matthew for choosing to celebrate the positive memories of his dad. Thinking of you………..

  15. Dorothy

    I’m so sorry for your loss. You and the boys are always in our thoughts. David was lucky to have such lovely boys. Keep strong. Love Dee xx

  16. Caroline

    Sally I am so sorry to hear of your tragic loss. My thoughts are with you and your boys. Matthews piece was great. David sounds like a really nice man and its so unfair that just as he was beginning to turn his life around that something should take away.

  17. jean & mick

    Sally, what a shock! I am so sorry and I hope the boys come through this OK . It was lovely what Matthew wrote and he sounds possative! Thinking of you in this hard time. love aunt jean and uncle mick xxxx.

  18. Ellee

    Sally, Life is so cruel at times, it doesn’t seem fair that just as he was getting his life in order, it all came to an end. My thoughts are with you and your boys, hoping you can comfort each other. It’s wonderful that Matthew has such lovely memories of his father. I’m sure he was just as proud of his son.

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