Monthly Archives: March 2013

40 miles in a weekend !

Spring is definitely on its way, the weekend has proved this by being milder and providing us with some much needed sunshine.

After having a lingering migraine all week I have felt 100% human again over the weekend so we made the most of the milder weather and went walking both days.


Saturday we did 25 miles, a practise ready for my 27 mile Daffodil Dawdle walk in a few weeks time, we covered the distance easily no aching legs just hot feet and sore toes, new boots are needed but new socks will have to do for now !

My toes were still a little uncomfortable this morning but not bad enough to stop us from enjoying a nice walk 15 mile walk, from Ashwell with the Cambridge Rambling Club.

Amazingly the ground was very very dry and before long I am sure we shall be in drought conditions 🙁

On Friday we are going to Castleton for 2 days walking in the Hills, which I am so looking forward too 🙂