
When I left for china I had packed all my walking kit, because I really hoped we would go trekking for a least a week of our holiday.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that this was not going to happen 🙁

China is just not the place for long distance walking.

At first I was really disappointed BUT once I  realized this was a traveling holiday not a walking holiday, I was a traveler and not a walker the disappointment soon disappeared:-)

I feel very privileged to have spent a whole month traveling round china, an experience I shall never forget.

We visited…..


All very different places , all offering something new and exciting 🙂

We met some extraordinary people, like the young guy who was cycling from the Uk to Singapore, Mr American over in china to meet his fiancee for the first time.

She spoke no English,him no Chinese ! They relied on a translator machine to communicate.

We stayed in some great hostels, made some good friends and ate lots of great food too.

Most of all we visited some totally amazing places.

I will always be great full to Geoff for giving me this fantastic opportunity and we can always go walking next year 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Confession

  1. anne

    Just a mis-understanding Sally .. .. something not discussed most probably .. Maybe Geoff never explained it properly .. I don’t know the reason why , you feel the need to confess 🙂 🙂

    Wow the guy cycling from the UK to singapore sounds brave ,but how much braver was guy meeting his fiancee for the first time … and they don’t talk the same language !! ..

    You and Geoff have done lots of walking holidays … maybe he thought something different 🙂 would be good to do. At least he does think about trips 🙂

    Arni’s experience of China is nothing like yours .. also he is normally only in one place ..and working.

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