Sight seeing Day 1

As we were too far away from the major sight seeing places in Italy.

We decided to visit two places from the book “a thousand places to see before you die”

So our first visit was to Urbino.

Unfortunately as we had no internet we could not research our visit.

So its only now that I realise we missed out on a visit into Ducal Palace and the Botanical Garden

But we did have a fantastic day and I loved all the beautiful buildings πŸ™‚

more photos can be seen here

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4 thoughts on “Sight seeing Day 1

  1. brian not tescos

    How are you managing to survive with no internet? Still, stranger things have happened πŸ˜€

  2. Gledwood

    It is annoying knowing you were just round the corner from something you might really have wanted to go to; that’s happened to me before. Strangely it never bothered the person I was with… oh but that’s a long story of travelling in a foreign country with a complete dead-head!

    It looks like you had a fantastic time. Italy looks so picturesque. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen central Spain? ~ but it’s no match for Italy!

  3. anne

    oh what a shame you couldn’t research… but I am sure where you went was brilliant.

    It is not always the major sightseeing places that give such joy.. it is the hidden gems πŸ™‚ away from the tourist areas…. !

  4. CherryPie

    Of course you know the missing out means a good excuse to go back for another visit πŸ˜‰

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