Moroccan Mushrooms

As Geoff had been away for most of January, I had no one to cook for, so on his return I was delighted to do some cooking.

Friday I made the lovely warming Butternut Squash and Ginger soup.

Saturday it was a slimming world cod gratin, which was delicious.

Sunday I tried a new recipe that had caught my eye in the Daily Mail.

Moroccan Mushrooms served with couscous.

It was a very tasty, Low fat, vegetarian dish, easy and economical to make.

So it ticked all my boxes and was enjoyed by all πŸ™‚

The recipe can be found here.

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6 thoughts on “Moroccan Mushrooms

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    Sounds nice.

    Did chuckle though at the thought of The Daily Mail printing a recipe that included cous cous. I would have thought they were very anti-Cous cous on the grounds that it almost certainly stops people from eating good old British foods like potatoes and what’s more it prob encourages the TV-dinner eating culture as it is quick to cook and easy to shovel in. Dear me!

    But I love cous cous.

  2. sally

    Anne , they cook for themselves most of the time….. and with the hours Matthew works it hard to cook for him, but i do soups stews, chilli infact anything that he can re heat.

  3. anne

    You do have two sons at home, πŸ™‚ don’t you cook for them LOL

    Looks and sounds delicious πŸ™‚

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