Mont de Grange

This was a walk we had never done before but due to a comment left on Geoff’s Everytrail…..

“dorothybowling – Aug 18, 2009 at 05:38:01 pm
I have looked at Roc D’Enfer from a distance many times and as I have no head for heights at all, in fact the very thought terrifies me I have no intention of ever attempting this! Walked along side it a couple of weeks ago. However, loved looking at you detailed photos, which only serve to confirm that I will never attempt this walk!! Friends wish us to try Mont de Grange which I am not certain about. You don’t have any pictures of this too by any chance?!”

we decided to give it a whirl 🙂

You could not compare this walk to the Roc D’Enfer walk at all,some lady actually died doing that walk just last week :-(.
Even so Mont de grange was a tough walk and all uphill from the moment we started off by Lac Plagnes .

Happy to be at the top…

From Les Gets Sept 2009

The Whole Ridge ….

From Les Gets Sept 2009

More great photos can be seen here ..

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10 thoughts on “Mont de Grange

  1. sally

    Elaine thank you sssooo much and i feel so bad about not finding time to come and visit you the other the week. Its time i got over the past ( not that you ever hurt me ) when iam next in your area I promise I will give you a ring and visit x x x

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  3. alyssa

    it looks like you had a lot of fun, I can’t wait until I get to go on a fun vacation.

    I might be getting to go on one next summer, I don’t know if it will be as fun as this though.

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