Mud Mud glorious Mud….

Sunday 21st of December was the shortest day of the year.. yes spring is on its way 🙂

We celebrated the day by doing what we love most… walking.

balsham 005

It was an early 9am start from Balsham with the Cambridge Rambling club.

Where we did a 14 mile circular walk with 14 other people, happy to be out in the lovely winter sun.

The leaders of the walk, Larry and Margaret magically produced  mulled wine and mince pies  out their ruc sacs for us all to enjoy during our mid morning break.

A great way to spend Solstice day .

Route and more photos can be seen here  and here

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One thought on “Mud Mud glorious Mud….

  1. anne

    Pleased you had a great walk…at least it was sunny!!

    I have just spent the last half an hour, reading about The Shortest Day of the year, and I am not any where near to understanding it..

    I hate to disappoint you 🙁 but spring is a long way starts in March……

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